Sunday Jun 09, 2024

E10: Why Tools, Tips & Tricks Don't Cure Self-Doubt

“A tool, while useful, cannot cure self-doubt,” says Zovig Garboushian, but it can guide our evolution. In this episode, Zovig challenges the allure of quick-fix solutions to complex behavioral issues in executive coaching. She discusses how frequent requests for tools to manage procrastination or public speaking anxiety often reveal deeper issues like self-doubt and emotional blockages.


Zovig introduces transformative coaching tools that go beyond mere advice, emphasizing self-reflection and alignment with one’s core values. Through personal stories and client examples, she shows how true change requires confronting the ‘thing behind the thing’—the underlying emotional and psychological issues, rather than superficial fixes. This episode invites listeners on a journey of self-awareness and growth, urging them to look beyond the surface for genuine personal and professional development.



  • “Behavior is the easy thing to change when we can detach ourselves from the emotion that prevents us from doing the thing we want to do.” (03:24 | Zovig Garboushian) 
  • “Somewhere in the quest for the solution to procrastination or these other how-tos that we’re looking for lies a lingering self-doubt or a lack of self-trust or a disconnection with yourself. And that’s where we need to be putting our time and attention. That’s what we need to address because a tool will not cure your self-doubt.” (06:37 | Zovig Garboushian) 
  • “I come back to the idea that a tool, while useful, cannot cure self-doubt. We are human beings. We are always evolving. There is no getting there because there's always a new ‘there’ to go toward. But what you can do is notice your evolution. Notice that the doubt or the anxiety or the worry or the fear as you evolve comes with less frequency. And when it comes, it’s less intense and it is shorter in duration.” (25:01 | Zovig Garboushian) 



[book] Coaching From Essence by Robert Ellis:


Connect with Zovig Garboushian:


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