Sunday May 12, 2024

E8: My Work With Psychedelics and Plant Medicine

There is a place for psychedelics in the pursuit of personal growth according to Zovig Garboushian. In this episode, Zovig shares her experiences with MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin, showing how these tools have profoundly shaped her understanding and acceptance of herself. Emphasizing that her insights are drawn from personal use rather than professional advice, Zovig invites listeners into her journey of transformation and self-discovery.


Initially skeptical, Zovig’s perception changed after her husband introduced her to the intentional and sacred use of substances like LSD, psilocybin, and MDMA. She describes how MDMA was pivotal in her battle against Graves’ disease by helping her cultivate self-love and acceptance. Psilocybin deepened her connection to her inner self and enhanced her truth-seeking, increasing her confidence and helping her overcome embarrassment. LSD and microdosing broadened her mental horizons, boosting her creativity and providing significant personal insights.


Zovig stresses the importance of having clear intentions and treating these experiences with the respect they merit. Her story is one of transformation, illustrating how, when used thoughtfully and purposefully, these substances can be potent tools for self-discovery and growth.



  • “We need to talk about the value of psychedelics and plant medicine more because there is more and more research coming out that it is useful for people dealing with depression and anxiety and other kinds of mental health issues.” (02:36 | Zovig Garboushian) 
  • “My purpose in using them is to simply explore myself. And so it's done quite a bit for me, things that I can't get to with therapy or coaching or other types of personal reflective work.” (02:52 | Zovig Garboushian) 
  • “That’s my mission. Interrupt patterns, crack doors open. Seek the truth about things… And psychedelics and plant medicine help get me there. They help me feel more comfortable in my own skin. They help me understand who I am. And when I do that for myself, I have more compassion and love for other people. And when I have more compassion and love for other people, life becomes easier. I don't know if you've noticed, but there is a huge lack of compassion and love in our world right now. So if we can learn to give it to ourselves, imagine what that could be like if we gave it outward.” (34:58 | Zovig Garboushian) 



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