When Does It Get Good?

When Does It Get Good? is for the overachievers, perfectionists, leaders, and consummate doers who give everything to everything. From the outside, it looks like you have it all but you secretly feel like something’s still missing. In this twice-monthly show, we’ll dive into why it still feels this way and how you can create the joy, success, and peace of mind you crave. We’ll cover topics like how to stop questioning your judgment, unlocking your natural creativity and talent, leading with more influence, shutting down the shoulds, tapping into your intuition, and having unshakeable self-trust. The mission: to help you reconnect with and rediscover yourself so you feel freedom to make bold choices and go after what you want with 100% confidence. Every episode aims to inspire and motivate you with tools, ideas, and resources to help you unlearn the traditional rules that have kept you playing it safe for way too long. No cliches. No shortcuts. We put in the work to help you get from where you are to where you want to go. This is where things get good.

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Sunday Mar 17, 2024

“Self-awareness is not just the idea that you've gone to therapy or you've listened to some feedback or you've taken a personality assessment or two” says Zovig Garboushian as she unpacks the first episode of "When Does It Get Good?," Zovig delves into the essence of self-awareness. She says self-awareness is not just about recognizing your traits or the impressions you leave on others, but engaging in a deep and ongoing process of understanding your thoughts, choices, and how you connect with the world around you.
Zovig challenges the societal norm that glorifies constant doing over simply being–a cycle that often prevents us from engaging in meaningful self-reflection. This episode is for achievers, perfectionists, and anyone who feels an unexplained emptiness despite all the accomplishments. As an executive coach and leadership advisor, Zovig shares insights from her own life—like grappling with Graves' disease and the realization that the peak of success wasn't as fulfilling as expected—to illustrate the path to genuine fulfillment. By adopting a curious mind, practicing self-compassion, and accepting our true selves, we can break free of societal expectations and find peace within our own skin. 
Whether you're leading a team, navigating personal challenges, or simply in pursuit of a more authentic life, this episode lays the groundwork for a transformative journey towards self-awareness. Dive into "When Does It Get Good?" to discover how to embrace the beauty of being over doing, and why understanding yourself is the key to unlocking a life of purpose and peace.
“Self-awareness is so much more than just doing the therapy. It's knowing who you are because you've taken the time to look. And that shifts how we show up in our lives. And it shifts how we make our choices and how we connect with others. It makes things easier when we know ourselves.” (24:34 | Zovig Garboushian)
“The one thing that stands out the most prominently is that everyone just wants peace of mind. We want things that work. We want to do things that feel good. Obviously, we want to make good money and be able to take care of ourselves and our families, but we want to feel congruent and aligned with ourselves, not pretzeling ourselves to be something that we think we should be or feel pressure to be. The key to that is knowing who we are. The key is self-awareness.” (04:48 | Zovig Garboushian) 
We are responsible for discovering parts of ourselves and how they developed so that we can make conscious choices about whether or not those behaviors and thoughts work for us. I am the way I am. I showed up a certain way, I learned a bunch of stuff, I was bestowed some beliefs, and I have spent the better part of my adulthood challenging those things and asking myself, but does this work for me? (11:10 | Zovig Garboushian)
“The harder we are on ourselves, the less compassion we have for ourselves, the more we chip away at our esteem, our confidence, our self-worth, the more disconnected we get from ourselves and what we want and what motivates us.” (15:36 | Zovig Garboushian) 
So that's the trifecta of self-awareness, the relationship that you have with yourself. Curiosity, compassion, and acceptance. And I think that once we get to that point where we're able to do those things and they become just what we do and who we are, like it's a default to be curious. It's a default to give myself the benefit of the doubt and be compassionate. It's a default to remind myself, oh yeah, that's not who I am. This is who I am. Then we can become more of those things for other people. And then things really start to shift in our lives. (23:56 | Zovig Garboushian)
Connect with Zovig Garboushian:
Website: www.boldnessablazecoaching.com
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

When Does It Get Good? is for the overachievers, perfectionists,  leaders, and consummate doers who give everything to everything. From the outside, it looks like you have it all but you secretly feel like something’s still missing. 
In this twice-monthly show, we’ll dive into why it still feels this way and how you can create the  joy, success, and peace of mind you crave. We’ll cover topics like how to stop questioning your judgment, unlocking your natural creativity and talent, leading with more influence, shutting down the shoulds, tapping into your intuition, and having unshakeable self-trust.
The mission: to help you reconnect with and rediscover yourself so you feel freedom to make bold choices and go after what you want with 100% confidence. Every episode aims to inspire and motivate you with tools, ideas, and resources to help you unlearn the traditional rules that have kept you playing it safe for way too long. 
No cliches. No shortcuts. We put in the work to help you get from where you are to where you want to go. This is where things get good. 


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